Be a Man With Humor and Magnetize Women

Humor is a very important factor when it comes to dating. Why? Humor is not only about making people laugh but it is a tool to get close with people, bond with them and it breaks the ice of a very uncomfortable situation. If you can make women laugh, dating will be so much fun and you will become a woman magnet. It is a fact that not everyone has a sense of humor but it does not mean you cannot acquire this skill. Humor is a science that can be learned. The following tips can be very helpful if you want to be a man with humor.

Be a keen observer. It is important to eagerly watch and observe people who can throw a joke in an instant and make people laugh. Watch funny movies and TV shows and observe how the jokes are delivered. You can use same old jokes but can still be funny with the way you deliver it. Take notes if necessary because you need to learn and study to become a man with humor.

Put everything into practice. It is important to keep the jokes and materials in your head and be ready when the situation presented itself. You do not have to stand in front of a huge crowd to practice but you can practice through common conversation with your friends and the people around you. Constant practice makes it perfect and you will eventually become a man with humor and will find yourself dating and laughing with the woman of your dreams.