FACT: your BODY is an ESSENTIAL part of being attractive to women.
There are no ifs, ands, or buts about this matter. There’s no
getting around to maintaining a great body that’ll keep women interested
in you.
But before you start panicking, let me just say that it’s NOT what you think.
Maybe you’re already spiraling into a heap of self-pity at the
thought of perfectly sculpted male models flaunting their brawn in
magazines. Perhaps seeing those flawless celebrities on TV with
screaming women in the background will lead you to think that you can’t
possibly measure up to them.
Perhaps you want to scream, ‘Crikey, hot women will ONLY go for men
like THOSE’how could *I* ever hope to date chicks of that caliber?!’
Well my friend, I want you to gather all those pre-conceived notions
you have about physical looks and take a sledgehammer to them.
It’s all part of reprogramming your ideas about seduction and
attraction, which begins with Meet Your Sweet’s groundbreaking book for
Make Her Crave For You
Got it? OK’
So: if you believe that you have to look like those guys in order to
be outrageously attractive, you’re dead wrong. Look at the world around
you and you’ll know I’m right.
Take a stroll around the shopping mall, a park or any other populated
area. You’ll find average-looking guys who DON’T look like an actor are
holding hands with the hottest babes in the vicinity.
I’m talking about the men who make you think ‘HOW in the hell did she end up with HIM?’
Are you going to tell me that those men are just a fluke? Are you
going to deny the fact that they simply know something that you DON’T?
Take the shutters off your eyes and realize that you too can pull
this off! If a regular guy (on the outside at least) can date beautiful
women, you can surely do the SAME.
The good news is that your less-than-perfect body is VERY much capable of attracting hordes of gorgeous women.
Even rock stars who dress like they crawled out of a dumpster are
able to draw women like moths to a flame. Well, maybe they’re a freak
exception because of the baked-in charm that comes with being in a band.
Those guys live on another plane of reality, so the non-rock star
demographic can still score big with the beautiful and brainy ladies.
First of all, you need to wrap your mind around this basic truth: the
ability to attract women NEVER comes from an outside factor. It’s
already within you, and all you need is to get accustomed to using these
inner traits.
Thus, you need to STOP comparing yourself to other men. Doing so is the path to madness.
OF COURSE there’s going to be someone who’s thinner, brawnier, richer, taller, or stronger than you.
BUT does that have anything to do with your own attractiveness? Does
the existence of ‘better’ men statistically reduce your chances to have
a sizeable piece of the action?
That’s a big ‘N’ to the ‘O’. There are literally millions of women
out there, and at least a handful of them will find you attractive.
Yes, YOU. They can AND will see you in an attractive light if you
unlearn whatever standards of physical beauty you’ve been made to
believe in.
Don’t fret about losing ALL the good women to other guys; there’s plenty enough to go around for everyone.
The problem with us guys is that we’re primarily into the visual
aspect of attraction when it comes to selecting a partner. Before a
man finds a girl attractive, she’s gonna have to fit into his particular
set of criteria.
This is why some men automatically ASSUME that women think the same way.
REALITY CHECK: NOT all women need their man to have impossibly good looks to feel attracted to them.
Look, I’m not saying that better-looking guys don’t have an
advantage. But what I am saying is that YOU don’t need those things to
attract women yourself.
And I’m not trying to contradict myself by saying that looks ARE
important. It’s just that it’s not important in the way you might THINK
it is.
Let me re-frame your concept of looking good. Physical attributes
matter in a
‘about-meeting-women’ kind of way.
In other words, it’s more of showing everyone that you have the HABIT of looking the very best you can.
Even a naturally handsome guy would horribly lower his chances if he
let himself go. You know: not taking a shower, not shaving, letting his
fingernails grow disgustingly long, and so on.
Basically, you’re gonna have to be at your physical best, regardless
of the mug you were born with. NO ONE is exempt from this ‘ well, at
least those who want to meet and date women.
Let’s get the matter of fitness out of the way. Even guys who are
overweight can get beautiful women, but you’ll have an easier time if
you have a relatively proportional body.
Besides, ANY guy will stand to benefit from working out on a regular
basis. But it doesn’t have to be like the inhumanly merciless exercise
program that the cast from ’300′ had to go through.
You don’t need a six pack, nor are you going to war with the Persian army.
All you need to do is come up with a reasonable schedule (like 2-3
times weekly) for cardiovascular activity. Don’t let the age-old ‘I
don’t have time’ excuse get in the way.
Even if you weren’t trying to attract women, working out regularly
has been clinically proven to greatly reduce the risk of getting all
those life-threatening problems you always hear about.
Not to sound preachy, but if you’re not going to do it for the
ladies, at least do it for your own well-being. Any guy who stuck to a
fixed workout schedule is bound to lose a few pounds at the very least!
Just as a warning, don’t try one of those fancy-schmancy diets you
might have heard about. It’s not a good idea to shock your system by
radically changing your eating habits.
You’re better off consulting with a licensed dietician, nutritionist
or physician for sound and realistic advice on eating healthy. You
could probably stick to working out, but improving your diet (read: not
starving yourself) is going to give you quicker results.
Ok, now we move on to DETAILS. Women love a guy who pays attention
to details, so I’ll give you a quick walkthough on this matter.
Let’s talk about HAIR. Get a reputable stylist to sit you down and
figure out which style TRULY matches your facial features and the
general shape of your head.
For instance, guys who are balding should just go all the way and
shave their thinning dome. Don’t let errant, lingering, hairs dampen
your sex appeal (think about Bill Murray’s character from the movie
Beards and other forms of facial hair are fine as long as they’re
trimmed and properly kept under control. Unless you’re only interested
in fans of ‘Lord of The Rings’, don’t think that sporting a
beard is going to improve your chances.
The same goes for hair from the chest downwards. Modern technology
has made it easier for guys to trim these areas, so invest in an
electric razor or any other method that will help you in this regard.
Would you want your date to neglect her nether regions as well? Didn’t think so. Be a pal and return the favor.
Additionally, watch out for any stay hairs coming out of your ears or
nostrils. Clippers and tweezers don’t cost much, so pick one and get
to work.
Your finger and toenails need to be short and free of any grime
underneath. If you have the budget for it, go to a men’s salon because
they often include a foot scrubbing service along with the package.
Otherwise, a pair of clippers isn’t going to break the bank.
Crooked or yellowish teeth need to be treated as well. Check with a
specialist on which option will work for your budget. There are plenty
of options out there, such as kits you can use at home, or setting an
appointment with a qualified dentist.
Trust me, a polished smile is eye candy to women and they’ll
definitely NOTICE it. So make the effort to do something about this
Clothes are a bit of a tricky subject because everyone has different
ideas about fashion. On a basic level however, your appearance must
tell women that you took the time to look good by choosing threads that
work best on your frame.
(Again, NOT about physical perfection’)
Generally, clothes with holes and torn seams are a no-no. Shirts and
pants that are old and worn out give the impression that you’re
immature and don’t care about looking nice for the ladies.
When it comes to picking out stuff that’ll look good on you, ask your
friends and sales staff to help you make a decision. Sometimes it
takes another pair of eyes to REALLY figure out the exact kind of
clothes that suit your specific body type.
While your socks, shoes, belts, and wallet need to look crisp and
neat (no scuffs or other battle damage please), they don’t exactly have
to cost you a pretty penny outright.
Plenty of quality stuff is on sale in most shopping malls, so start
looking there. There’s always a good bargain to be found if you take
the time to look!
Lastly, don’t overstuff your pocket. Try not to put anything in
there except for your wallet, cellphone and car keys. The less bulkier
your pockets are, the sharper you look.
And that about does it. Remember, setting aside enough time for
these things will benefit you greatly because it will manifest in how
you look.
Women will see AND appreciate the effort you’ve gone through. If
we’re defined by what we do repeatedly, then imagine what a habit of
good style and grooming can do for you.
They don’t even have to say it ‘ you’ll find that they’ll naturally
be more open to chatting with you and you’ll have an easier time
approaching them.
Furthermore, knowing that you’re at your best will greatly BOOST your self-confidence.
I mean, wouldn’t you feel more RELAXED and LESS ANXIOUS because you’re aware of how well-put together you are?
In case anyone hasn’t told you, it’s this exact kind of attitude that makes you more eye-catching to women.
Neglecting your looks will make you tense and even apologetic for the
very space you’re occupying. That’s not a very attractive vibe to give
off, now is it?
If you really want to seal the deal however, might I recommend an
excellent book to bring out your seduction skills and self-confidence to
the fullest:
Make Her Crave for You
This empowering guide is a must-have for any guy who wants to be THE
MAN when it comes to dating. The cool thing about it is that it’ll also
improve the other areas in your life.
After all, having a confident personality will help you succeed in
ALL of your pursuits, whether it’s your career or a relationship.
This article comes to you courtesy of Meet Your Sweet
If you are serious about changing your love life success, the first
step on your journey of seduction self discovery needs to be with Meet Your Sweet’s ‘Make Her Crave You,’ your first stop for gal-getting strategies that really deliver.
If you want quality women, and want more than just scripted lines and
one night stands, if you want the confidence and winning attitude to
take your skills and success to the next level, let Slade Shaw and the
team challenge your beliefs about what women really want and how to be
the guy that gets her attention, and show you the way to become a
seduction success story.
Make Her Crave for You
No games. No scripted lines. Real life dating advice for real men!